For as long as we've been making babies, women have been exchanging ideas about how to increase their chances of having either a boy or a girl. Unfortunately there's no medical evidence that any of them actually work!

Having said that, there'll always be a mum who tells you an old wives' tale worked for her. So if you fancy defying the experts and trying to tip the balance towards one sex yourself, why not try some of the suggestions below.

You're more likely to conceive a boy if...

  • You have sex on the day of ovulation, as male sperm are thought to swim faster and reach the egg first.
  • You reach orgasm before your partner, as this releases an alkaline fluid, thought to be more male-sperm friendly than the vagina's natural acidity.
  • You have deep penetration during sex, such as from behind (doggy style)
  • Your partner has a high sperm count. This is because male sperm are not as strong as female sperm, and so the higher the count, the more chance there is of a male sperm reaching the egg first.
  • You avoid sex for a week before ovulation and then only have sex once on ovulation day, to keep the sperm count high.
  • Your partner suggested the love-making.
  • You make love at night.
  • You make love on odd days of the month.
  • Your partner keeps his genitals cool by wearing boxer shorts and loose-fitting trousers.
  • You eat salty food, plenty of meat, fish, white flour, pasta, fresh fruit, certain vegetables, but avoid milk and dairy products, such as yoghurt and cheese, nuts, chocolate, shellfish and wholemeal bread.

You're more likely to conceive a girl if...

  • You have sex earlier on in your cycle, a few days before your day of ovulation. This is because female sperm are thought to be stronger and therefore last longer than male sperm, who will die off before reaching the egg.
  • Your partner reaches orgasm before you.
  • You have sex frequently to lower your partner's sperm count, and so increase the chances of the female sperm reaching the egg first.
  • You keep penetration shallow.
  • You stop having unprotected sex four to five days before ovulation, to minimise the chances of the male sperm reaching the egg first.
  • Your partner keeps his genitals warm by wearing close-fitting underwear and tight trousers (although this isn't likely to do his general fertility any good!)
  • You suggested the love-making.
  • You make love in the afternoon.
  • You make love on even days of the month.
  • You put a wooden spoon under your bed and a pink ribbon under your pillow.
  • You drink plenty of milk and eat dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt, unsalted foods, rice, pasta, certain vegetables, mineral water, limited amounts of meat and potatoes, but avoid salt and any salty foods, wine and beer, fresh fruit, spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms, chocolate, coffee and tea.

Some of these techniques are recommended as part of the Shettles method of sex selection. Find out what scientists say  about this and other methods.


Shettles method. This method gives more chance of success of 75%.

Basically, men produce sperm with two kinds of chromosomal genes, ie XX (female) and XY (male). Dr. Shettles research results show that:
XY chromosomes (male)
   • The size of sperm is smaller
• Power is weak, but it is moving faster (aggressive) in comparison with XX chromosomes larger
XX chromosomes (female)
   • The size of sperm is larger
• Power is strong, but more slowly
The things that can be done to increase the chances of getting a baby boy or a girl:
1. At the time of ovulation (fertile period) will provide a greater opportunity to getting a baby boys, because XY sperm tend to be faster and likely to reach the egg first. Suggested related in the event of ovulation, the chance for the boys wanted. While opportunities for girls relate done 3 times a day or more before ovulation.
Several steps can be taken to determine the fertile period ( or read the full calculator fertile period):
• Determine the length of your menstrual cycle. Usually the normal menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 40 days. Where the menstrual cycle begins on the first day of menstruation until exactly one day before your period the next month.
• In accordance with your menstrual cycle, count and determine the first day of menstruation forecast for the next month, then minus 14 days. Because ovulation occurs 14 days before the first period of the following month

2. Ph in the femininity act very important. More acidic environment tend to produce daughters (acidic conditions will kill sperm XY) and alkaline conditions will produce a boy.
3. The position and depth of penetration during intercourse. The more shallow or near the vagina will generally produce daughters, and the deeper will produce boys.
4. Also affect sperm count. More sperm count will increase the chances of a boy, there are two things to do:
• For getting a baby boys, men should be more likely to use loose pants. This is due to increase fertility in which the testes require a lower temperature so that sperm can survive and because of XY sperm vitality weaker, so in this way would be more helpful than the XX sperm but not recommended if you do the opposite (men wear tights ).
• For getting a baby girls, men should warm bath immediately before intercourse. In this way, increase the chances XX Sperm.

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